Building the Application

pyqtdeploy-build uses the project file created by pyqtdeploy to generate the target-specific source code, including the qmake .pro files, needed to create the application. The simplest invocation is:

pyqtdeploy-build pyqt-demo.pdt

The next step in the full build process would be to change to the build directory and run qmake. The final step is target-specific. For Android, Linux, macOS and Windows targets it is only necessary to run make (or nmake in the case of Windows). (Although for an Android target using versions of Qt prior to v5.14 it is also necessary to run Qt’s androiddeployqt utility.) For an iOS target qmake generates an Xcode project file. Xcode is then used to perform the final build.

The demo’s script takes care of (almost) all of this process automatically.

The Command Line

The full set of command line options is:

-h, --help

This will display a summary of the command line options.

-V, --version

This specifies that the version number should be displayed on stdout. The program will then terminate.

--build-dir DIR

DIR is the name of the directory where all the application source code will be placed. The default value is build- followed by a target-specific suffix.


Normally the build directory is deleted and re-created before starting a new build. Specifying this option leaves any existing build directory as it is before starting a new build.

--opt LEVEL

LEVEL is the level of optimisation performed when freezing Python source files:

0 - no optimisation is done

1 - assert statements are removed

2 - assert statements and docstrings are removed.

The default is 2.


EXECUTABLE is the full path name of the host Python interpreter. It overrides any value provided by the sysroot but the version must be compatible with that specified in the sysroot.toml file.


EXECUTABLE is the full path name of the host qmake. It overrides any value provided by the sysroot but the version must be compatible with that specified in the sysroot.toml file.

--resources NUMBER

NUMBER is the number of Qt .qrc resource files that are generated. On Windows, MSVC may not be able to cope with very large resource files and complains of a lack of heap space. If you run into this problem then try increasing the the number of resource files generated.

--target TARGET

TARGET is the target architecture. By default the host architecture is used. On Windows the default is determined by the target architecture of the currently configured compiler.


This specifies that progress messages should be disabled.


This specifies that additional progress messages should be enabled.


project is the name of the project file created by pyqtdeploy.