from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QHBoxLayout, QWidget from dip.model import Int, Model, Str, unadapted from dip.ui import Application, Form, SpinBox # Define the model. class ExampleModel(Model): # The name. name = Str(tool_tip="The person's full name") # The age in years. age = Int(minimum=0, maximum=120) # Every application needs an Application. app = Application() # Create the model. model = ExampleModel() # Define the sub-view. subview_factory = Form('name', SpinBox('age', suffix=" years")) # Create two instances of the sub-view bound to the same model. subview_left = subview_factory(model, top_level=False) subview_right = subview_factory(model, top_level=False) # Create a regular PyQt widget showing the two sub-views side by side. layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(unadapted(subview_left)) layout.addLayout(unadapted(subview_right)) view = QWidget(windowTitle="Real Model") view.setLayout(layout) # Enter the event loop. app.execute() # Show the value of the model. print("Name:", print("Age:", model.age)