import sys from import IFilterHints, IoManager from import (UnicodeCodec, IUnicodeDecoder, IUnicodeEncoder) from import FilesystemStorageFactory from dip.model import (adapt, Adapter, implements, Instance, notify_observers, unadapted) from import (BaseManagedModelTool, IManagedModel, IManagedModelTool, IShell) from import MainWindowShell from import DirtyTool from import ModelManagerTool from import QuitTool from dip.ui import Action, Application class PythonCode(object): """ The PythonCode class encapsulates the code that implements a single Python module. """ def __init__(self): """ Invoked to return the default editor widget. """ from PyQt5.Qsci import QsciLexerPython, QsciScintilla editor = QsciScintilla() # Configure the editor for Python. editor.setUtf8(True) editor.setLexer(QsciLexerPython(editor)) editor.setFolding(QsciScintilla.PlainFoldStyle, 1) editor.setIndentationGuides(True) editor.setIndentationWidth(4) self.editor = editor @adapt(PythonCode, to=IManagedModel) class PythonCodeIManagedModelAdapter(Adapter): """ Adapt PythonCode to the IManagedModel interface. """ # The native format is Unicode (specifically UTF-8). native_format = 'myorganization.formats.python_code' def __init__(self): """ Initialise the adapter. """ # Convert the Qt signal to the corresponding dip attribute change. self.adaptee.editor.modificationChanged.connect( lambda modified: notify_observers( 'dirty', self, modified, not modified)) @IManagedModel.dirty.getter def dirty(self): """ Invoked to get the dirty state. """ return self.adaptee.editor.isModified() @dirty.setter def dirty(self, value): """ Invoked to set the dirty state. """ self.adaptee.editor.setModified(value) @adapt(PythonCode, to=[IFilterHints, IUnicodeDecoder, IUnicodeEncoder]) class PythonCodeCodecAdapter(Adapter): """ Adapt PythonCode to the IFilterHints, IUnicodeDecoder and IUnicodeEncoder interfaces. """ # The filter to use if the code is being stored in a file. filter = "Python source files (*.py *.pyw)" def set_unicode(self, model, data): """ Set the code from a unicode string object. """ model.editor.setText(data) model.editor.setModified(False) return model def get_unicode(self, model): """ Return the code as a unicode string object. """ return model.editor.text() @implements(IManagedModelTool) class PythonCodeEditorTool(BaseManagedModelTool): """ The PythonCodeEditorTool implements a tool for editing Python code. It leaves the management of the lifecycle of the model containing the code to a model manager. """ # The tool's identifier. id = '' # The action that toggles the use of line numbers by the editor. line_nrs = Action(text="Show Line Numbers", checked=False, within='dip.ui.collections.view') # To keep the application simple we only allow one model to be handled at a # time. model_policy = 'one' def create_views(self, model): """ Invoked to create the views for a model. """ # We have chosen to use the editor widget to hold the code so the view # is actually in the model. view = model.editor # Configure the view according to the state of the action. self._configure_line_nrs(view) return [view] def handles(self, model): """ Check that the tool can handle the model. """ # Because the application only has one type of model we could just # return True. return isinstance(model, PythonCode) @line_nrs.triggered def line_nrs(self): """ Invoked when the line number action is triggered. """ self._configure_line_nrs(self.current_view) def _configure_line_nrs(self, view): """ Configure the state of line numbers for a view depending on the state of the line number action. """ # Line numbers are configured by setting the width of the first margin. margin_width = 30 if self.line_nrs.checked else 0 unadapted(view).setMarginWidth(0, margin_width) # Every application needs an Application. app = Application() # Add our codec and support for filesystem storage. IoManager.codecs.append( UnicodeCodec(format='myorganization.formats.python_code')) IoManager.storage_factories.append(FilesystemStorageFactory()) # Define the shell. view_factory = MainWindowShell(main_area_policy='single', tool_factories=[ DirtyTool, lambda: ModelManagerTool(model_factories=[PythonCode]), PythonCodeEditorTool, QuitTool], title_template="[view][*]") # Create the shell. view = view_factory() # If a command line argument was given try and open it as Python code. if len(sys.argv) > 1: IShell(view).open('', sys.argv[1], 'myorganization.formats.python_code') # Make the shell visible. view.visible = True # Enter the event loop. app.execute()